Chae Eun Lim

Post-master Researcher

Research Interests

Motor Control, Working Memory

Pain Perception, Cognitive Control


2016.3 ~ 2018.8 – M.S. Cognitive Psychology, Korea University, Seoul, Korea

2011.3 ~ 2016.2 – B.A. Psychology Major, Korea University, Seoul, Korea


2018.8 ~ present – Post-master Researcher, Behavioral Science Center, Psych. dept., Korea University, Seoul, Korea

2016.3 ~ 2018.8 – Graduate Researcher, HPLAB, Psych. dept., Korea University, Seoul, Korea

2015.4 ~ 2016.2- Undergraduate Research Assistant, HPLAB, Psych. dept., Korea University, Seoul, Korea

2014.7 ~ 2015.6- Undergraduate Research Assistant, Sever Mental Illness Lab, Psych. dept., Korea University, Seoul, Korea

Conference Presentation

Lim, C.E., Rheem, H., & Cho, Y.S. (Nov. 2019). The Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of the Congruency Sequence Effect. Poster presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Montreal, Canada

You, S., Lim, C.E., Park, M., Ryu, S., Lee, H.J., Choi, J.M., & Cho, Y.S. (Jul. 2019). Impulsivity and poor inhibitory control in emotional contexts in suicide ideators and attempters: Evidence from an emotional stop-signal task and self-report measures. Poster presented at the 9th World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (WCBCT), Berlin, Germany

Lim, C.E. & Cho, Y.S. (Nov. 2018). The Control Mechanism Underlying the Processing of Horizontal and Vertical Dimensions. Poster presented at the 59th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, LA

Lim, C. & Cho, Y.S. (May. 2018). The Influence of Response Mode on the Scope of Control in the Simon Tasks. Poster presented at the International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Lim, C.E. & Cho, Y.S. (Feb. 2018). The Influences of Response Mode and Stimulus-Response Mappings on the Cross-task Congruency Sequence Effect. Talk presented at the 30th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Cognitive and Biological Psychology, Suwon, Korea

Lim, C.E. & Cho, Y.S. (Nov. 2017). The Influences of Response Mode and Stimulus-Response Mappings on the Cross-Task Congruency Sequence Effect. Poster presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Vancouver, Canada

Noh, J., Park J., Kaela, S.K., Um, S., Jung, J., Baek, I., Lim, C.E., Cho, Y.S. (Aug. 2017). Congruency Sequence Effect in the Simon Task with Working Memory Load. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Korean Psychology Association, Seoul, Korea

Lim C.E. & Cho, Y.S. (Jan. 2017). The Influences of Response Mode and Stimulus-Response Mappings on the Cross-task Congruency Sequence Effect. Talk presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Cognitive and Biological Psychology, Busan, Korea

Lim C. & Cho, Y.S. (Nov. 2016). Influences of Working Memory Load on the Congruency Sequence Effect. Poster presented at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston, MA

Kim, Y., Moon, J., Sim, J., Jang, D., Yasmin, G., Lim, C.E., Cho, Y.S. (Aug. 2016). The Interaction between Congruency Sequence Effect and Working Memory Using Facial Stroop task. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Korean Psychology Association, Gunsan, Korea


Response mode modulates the congruency sequence effect in spatial conflict tasks_evidence from aimed‑movement responses

Determining the scope of control underlying the congruency sequence effect_Roles of stimulus-response mapping and response mode