We investigate selective visual attention. What is the role of visual selective attention in face recognition? Is word recognition an automatic process? To answer these questions, we have conducted series of experiments which provided the following findings.

1) The Stroop dilution effect occurred when a color word was presented as a distracter but not when it was presented as a color carrier.
2) The magnitude of the Stroop effect decreased as display duration decreased.
3) A larger Stroop effect was obtained when the color word was presented at the attended location than when it was presented at an unattended location. The role of visual selective attention in various tasks is now being further examined.


Impaired cognitive control during reward pursuit and punishment avoidance Choi and Cho. 2020. Motivation and Emotion.

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Cognitive control under high threat_The effect of shock on the congruency sequence effect Jeong and Cho. 2019. Motivation and Emotion.

Memory facilitation for emotional faces_Visual working memory trade-offs resulting from attentional preference for emotional facial expressions Lee and Cho. 2019. Memory & Cognition.

Uncertainty as a determinant of attentional control settings Kim, Park and Cho. 2019. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics.

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The cognitive loci of the display and task-relevant set size effects on distractor interference_Evidence from a dual-task paradigm Park, Kim and Cho. 2018. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics.

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Effect of abrupt onsets attentional capture by the color word in the Stroop task Park and Cho. 2015. The Korean J of Cog and Bio Psy.

Attentional capture as an alternative view of perceptual load theory and early-visual crosstalk account Suh and Cho. 2015. The Korean J of Cog and Bio Psy.

Congruency sequence effect without feature integration and contingency learning Kim and Cho. 2014. Acta psychologica.

The Effect of the Chance of a Distractor Capturing Attention on Distractor Interference Suh and Cho. 2013. The Korean J of Cog and Bio Psy.

Congruency sequence effect in cross-task context_Evidence for dimension-specific modulation Lee and Cho. 2013. Acta psychologica.

Likelihood of attending to the color word modulates Stroop interference Cho, Choi and Proctor. 2012. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics.

Impaired color word processing at an unattended location_Evidence from the Stroop task combined with inhibition of return Choi, Cho and Proctor. 2009. Memory & Cognition.

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