We are interested in stimulus-response compatibility effects and response selection. Research focuses on the role of polarity codes in response selection processes, especially when stimulus dimensions do not physically or conceptually overlap with response dimensions.

We have studied the role of polarity coding in the orthogonal stimulus-response compatibility effect, orthogonal Simon effect, MARC effect, SNARC effect, and SMARC effect. The role of polarity coding in response selection is now being further examined in various situations.


Response mode modulates the congruency sequence effect in spatial conflict tasks_evidence from aimed‑movement responses Lim and Cho. 2020. Psychological Research.

Beneficial effect of task-irrelevant threat on response inhibition Choi and Cho. 2020. Acta Psychologica.

Determining the scope of control underlying the congruency sequence effect_Roles of stimulus-response mapping and response mode Lim and Cho. 2018. Acta Psychologica.

Polarity correspondence effect between loudness and lateralized response set Chang and Cho. 2015. Frontiers in Psychology.

Interaction between Spatial Compatibility and the SNARC effect Cho and Bae. 2013. The Korean J of Cog and Bio Psy.

Referential coding contributes to the horizontal SMARC effect Cho, Bae and Proctor. 2012. J of Exp Psy_Hum Per and Perform.

Transfer of magnitude and Spatial Mappings to the SNARC Effect for Parity Judgements Bae, Choi, Cho and Proctor. 2009. J or Exp Psy_Learning, Memory and Cognition.

Transfer of orthogonal stimulus-response mappings to an orthogonal Simon task Bae, Cho and Proctor. 2009. Quar J of Exp Psy.

Influence of response position and hand posture on the orthogonal Simon effect Cho and Proctor. 2007. Quar J of Exp Psy.

When is an odd number not odd? Influence of task rule on the MARC effect for numeric classification Cho and Proctor. 2007. J of Exp Psy_Learning, Memory & Cognition.

Is the psychological refractory period effect for ideomotor compatible tasks eliminated by speed-stress instructions? Shin et al. 2007. Psychological Research.

Polarity correspondence_A general principle for performance of speeded binary classification tasks Proctor and Cho. 2006. Psychological Bulletin.

Representing response position relative to display location_Influence on orthogonal stimulus–response compatibility Cho and Proctor. 2005. Quar J of Exp Psy.

Influences of multiple spatial stimulus and response codes on orthogonal stimulus-response compatibility Cho and Proctor. 2004. Perception & Psychophysics.

Stimulus-set location does not affect orthogonal stimulus-response compatibility Cho and Proctor. 2004. Psychological Research.

Effects of response eccentricity and relative position on orthogonal stimulus–response compatibility with joystick and keypress responses Proctor and Cho. 2003. Quar J of Exp Psy.

Stimulus and response representation underlying orthogonal stimulus-response compatibility effects Cho and Proctor. 2003. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.

Influences of hand posture and hand position on compatibility effects for up-down stimuli mapped to left-right responses_Evidence for a hand-referent hypothesis Cho and Proctor. 2002. Perception & Psychophysics.

Effect of initiating action on the up-right/down-left advantage for vertically arrayed stimuli and horizontally arrayed response Cho and Proctor. 2001. J of Exp Psy Human Perception and Performance.

The up-right/down-left advantage occurs for both participant-paced and computer-paced conditions_An empirical observation on Adam, Boon, Paas, & Umiltà (1998) Proctor and Cho. 2001. J of Exp Psy Human Perception and Performance.

The Effect of Stimulus-Response Compatibility on Hangul Transcription Typing Behavior Cho, Hwang and Lee. 1994. Korean J of Cog Sci.

Assignment process of hand and finger parameters in the programming of rapid manual response sequences Cho and Lee. 1993. The Korean J of Cog and Bio Psy.